Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal

Report for web address

After web address browsing emulation, available analysis results are displayed on the report page.

Depending on the web address's zone, it's status (Dangerous, Adware and other, Good, or Not categorized) is displayed on a panel in one of the following colors:

  • Red—There are malicious objects related to the web address.
  • Orange—The web address can be classified as Not trusted and may host malicious objects.
  • Yellow—There are objects related to the web address and that can be classified as Not-a-virus.
  • Grey—No data is available for a web address.
  • Green—The web address cannot be classified as Dangerous.

The report page contains the following:

  • Overview—Displays general information about the analyzed web address.
  • Summary—Displays statistical information about the analyzed web address.
  • WHOIS—Displays the WHOIS information about the analyzed web address.
  • Detection names—Displays detected items that were registered during the web address analysis.
  • Triggered network rules—Displays SNORT and Suricata rules that were triggered during the web address traffic analysis.
  • Connected hosts—Displays IP addresses that were accessed in all HTTP and HTTPS requests after the FQDN resolved.
  • Suspicious activities—Displays suspicious activities that were registered during the web address analysis.
  • HTTP(S) requests—Displays HTTP and HTTPS requests that were registered during the web address analysis.
  • DNS requests—Displays DNS requests that were registered during the web address analysis.
  • Screenshots—Displays a set of screenshots that were taken during the web address analysis.
  • Premium content—Displays sections that contain blurred data about the analyzed web address. The actual data is available for users with Premium Access to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal. You can request a demo version to view a full report and explore other Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal features.