Starting web address browsing

Before submitting a web address to analysis, you have to register in Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.

By submitting a web address to Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal, you agree to our Terms of Use and the Privacy Statement.

To analyze a web address,

  1. Open Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal at:
  2. In the Analysis (Sandbox.) section, on the Web Address Analysis tab, enter the required web address in the Enter your request here field.
  3. If necessary, you can remove the entered web address by clicking Cancel file..
  4. Press the Enter button.

Browsing the submitted web address is emulated according to the parameters described in the table below:

Web address browsing emulation parameters




Browsing environment

Microsoft Windows 10 x64

Operating system where the web address is browsed.

Browsing time

100 seconds

Time that the web address browsing is emulated (in seconds).

HTTPS traffic


HTTPS traffic that is generated during the web address browsing is decrypted.

Internet channel


Automatically selected Internet channel that belongs to any region and does not direct traffic through the TOR network.

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