Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal

Overview for hash

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal provides the following general information about a submitted hash and the file identified by the hash:

General information about hash and file

Field name



Number of hits (popularity) of the file identified by the requested hash detected by Kaspersky expert systems.

Number of hits is rounded to the nearest power of 10.

First seen

Date and time when the file identified by the requested hash was first detected by Kaspersky expert systems.

Last seen

Date and time when the file identified by the requested hash was last detected by Kaspersky expert systems.


Type of the file identified by the requested hash.


Size of the file identified by the requested hash.

Signed by

Organization that signed the hash.

Packed by

Packer name (if any).


MD5 hash.


SHA1 hash (if available).


SHA256 hash.