Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal

Overview for web address

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal provides the following general information about an analyzed web address:

General information about web address

Field name


IPv4 count

Number of known IP addresses that the analyzed web address resolves to.

Files count

Number of known malicious files related to the analyzed web address.

Web address count

Number of known malicious web addresses related to the analyzed object.


Number of the requested web address detections by Kaspersky expert systems.


Analyzed web address creation date.


Analyzed web address expiration date.


Name of the upper-level domain.

Registration organization

Name of the registration organization.

Registrar name

Name of the domain name registrar.


Categories of the analyzed web address. If the web address does not belong to any of the defined categories, the General category is displayed.

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[Topic OverviewWebAddress]